jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

Algún día ser la María de alguien.

Many thanks to everyone for your thoughts, memories and emotion. I have been reading your comments and drawing great comfort from your expressions of love and appreciation for this amazing person I have been privileged to share 15 happy years with, and two great children.
Maria, I have loved you from the moment I met you. You are the most genuine person I have ever known. You are without guile. I felt like I could see straight into your very heart and soul the first time I saw you. You have always said what you mean and meant what you said. You were always so passionate about everything you did, living life to the full.
I proposed to you after only three weeks, and I am truly happy you chose to share your life with me. It has been an amazing journey together. You have been my strength and my rock. Thank you for being my best friend, my soul mate.
Thank you for all the laughter and the fun. This is still with us and the humour softens the pain. As Clara said after the tears had dried, "oh no this means Dad will be cooking", to which Nico replied, "and he burns ice cream"!
we miss you terribly. I miss you. We have experienced waves of deep emotion and a sense of loss, but we somehow seem to quickly rise above it. I am comforted by the faith we shared in Christ and our belief that death is not the end. I am filled with hope that I will be with you again, and that the covenants we made in the Temple, and the way we lived our lives together, will seal our marriage and family together for all eternity. I feel your presence with me, your continued love and concern for our dear children. My hugs will be your hugs, my kisses your kisses, my hands your helping hands.
Maria, Te amo. Mi corazón es tuyo para siempre. 

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